Salary and Benefits

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The current patrol officer contract includes the following salary ranges:

FY23 (July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023):  $51,310  to $69,929
FY24 (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024):  $52,592-$71,677
FY25 (July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025):  $53,907-$73,469

Officers receive twelve (12) paid holidays. Officers are also eligible to participate in the Educational Incentive Program. Officers with applicable degrees earn the following amounts annually (1/2 paid in June and 1/2 paid in December) in addition to their base salary:

Associate's Degree:  $5,000
Bachelor's Degree:  $9,000
Master's Degree:  $11,000

Applicable degrees must be in one of the following subject areas: public administration, sociology, criminal justice, psychology, forensic science, computer science with a concentration in forensic computer science, law enforcement, or political science. Officers who have a degree at any level that is not in the previously identified areas of study earn $2,500 annually.  Each Officer's degree is subject to review by the Chief of Police and the Director of Human Resources.  Officers are eligible to begin receiving EIP benefits after they have completed their probationary period.