Ride-along Program

The Ride-Along Program is one of the many community programs that our department is proud to offer. Due to the significant number of requests, the Ride-Along Program is restricted to Northampton residents or Northampton Police Department applicants. This program allows citizens to ride in a cruiser with Northampton Police Officers as they perform their daily duties. This program attracts a wide range of people. Many participants are people who are interested in working in the field of law enforcement and want to see what the job is really like. Some are community members who want to better understand the workings of their police department. Officers have also hosted writers, reporters, students, retired people, police officers from other agencies and many, many more.

If you are interested in seeing first-hand what it is like to work as a police officer in Northampton, this is a great opportunity. You may fill out the Ride-along application form located at the bottom of this page or you may come to the police station and request an application. Applications can be mailed or dropped off. Please indicate on the envelope that it contains a ride-along application. Once that application has been received a criminal background check will be conducted. Applicants who are 18 years of age or older and who have little or no criminal backgrounds will be contacted and a ride-along will be scheduled. Most ride-alongs are limited to four hours. If you have questions about the Northampton Police Department's Ride-Along Program, you may contact the program supervisor, Sgt. Honora Sullivan-Chin


Ride-along Supervisor
Sgt. Honora Sullivan-Chin
(413) 587-1036

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