Bridget Allen, Principal Clerk
Julie Gaudreau, Supervisor of Records
Jennifer DiCarlo, Records Assistant
The Records Bureau is comprised of three full-time, civilian personnel. Members of the Records Bureau are responsible for a wide variety of duties including:
- Disseminating reports to the public, courts, insurance companies and others
- (Some accident reports may be obtained here: Accident Reports)
- Accounts payable for the Department
- Ordering office and building supplies
- Quality control of all paperwork including citations, reports, forms, offense reports, etc.
- Providing crime reporting data to Boston
- Issuing permits
- Managing outside details
- Billing for alarms
The Records Bureau is open Monday through Friday from 8AM-4PM and is closed weekends and holidays. They may be contacted directly at 587-1106 or by email at
Accident reports over $1,000 can be accessed here
You may call the Records Bureau during business hours and someone will be happy to assist you or answer any questions that you may have. For your convenience we have also included a list of some of the most frequently asked questions.
Individuals who are victims of or witnesses to crimes that have been perpetrated by an undocumented citizen have a right, through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, to be notified regarding a detainee's release from custody.